Singing in the Shadow

photo credit: @Marianne_Denton via Twitter

I see the moon and the moon sees me.

God bless the moon and God bless me.

Chanting this nursery rhyme as a child, I never imagined that all these years later I would, in the middle of a cold dark morning, be blessed one more time by the God who hung that moon, keeps it on schedule, and (as a bonus) gives us unique ways to not take it for granted.

I had read about the eclipse. I understood what was going to happen. I learned the science and the reasons. But when one of my walking friends asked earlier in the day, “Are you going to get up to watch the eclipse?” The rest of us said, “Um…No, I don’t think so.” She went on to say that she was going to set her alarm so she could get up to see this thing that was happening. The rest of us smiled and were not jealous.

So I went to bed and slept well until I woke up around 3:15 AM. Wide awake, I sat right up (who knows why?) and remembered the moon!

Getting quietly out of bed, I tiptoed around the house, peering out windows, trying to find it but only finding tons of stars. I knew the moon was going to be somewhat darker than its usual bright self and that it would maybe have a pinkish glow. Would it be in the eclipse by now? Would I see part of it or had I missed the whole thing? I had no idea. So from room to room I padded hoping the moon was within view of one of the windows so I wouldn’t have to go outside in that cold morning air.

And then I spied it, as I peered out one of the bedroom windows. It was right there, in the night sky above our neighbor’s house. Amazingly, it was in almost FULL eclipse! One little sliver of brightness shone on the lower left and the rest was a dull pinkish brown. Ahhh! I saw it and was delighted! I got to see this quietly glowing sphere just doing its ordinary work, but this time, in the shadow of our earth.

I couldn’t help but think about this verse that has been front and center for me the past several weeks.

“Because you are my help, I sing in the shadow of your wing.

Psalm 63:7

The November Beaver Moon was doing its job and was remarkably striking as it quietly glowed in our earth’s shadow. Nothing different, except for the shadow.

Do you know people who glow in the shadow? Those who keep on doing what they were designed to do whether or not others are awake enough to see it? You know, those who consistently and steadily do what they’ve been called to and keep at it even if “night” comes and darkness feels overwhelming.

I know many of them. They are the ones singing the song even when they’re not sure of the words. Sometimes that melody is in the form of tucking babies in and often getting up to comfort them when they cry out in the night. I see others who notice and encourage while listening to those who are suffering under an unbearable shadow. There’s that one who helps her friend who is weary, waiting for a verdict or a diagnosis, grieving over the future of a child or a parent. Some are praying for the friend who is making a decision for her future. One I know makes pot pies and stores them in her freezer so she can give them away when a need arises. Another I know, works the numbers, helping people make decisions. I know generous couples who give money when they see needs that are great. Others are massaging weary muscles, giving shots, showing up for work every day, caring for sick and dying people. Many are sitting with and praying for loved ones waiting to recover from illnesses, grief, addictions, or multiple sorrows. We have men and women who are answering a million questions, teaching our children, managing behaviors, going home weary every night. They are quietly and steadily doing the thing they’ve been lovingly created to do while the world keeps spinning and the sun keeps shining - maybe on the other side of the world - and yes, while the moon steadily glows up and back every night…sometimes hidden by clouds, sometimes shining, and sometimes seen only in part.

Who comes to your mind when you think of the ones who help others through their shadows?

I want to be that quiet glow-er, even in the shadow, because the best thing I’ve come to trust is that we have a helper. We’ve got a God who always has his eyes on us. Is always pleased when his people do the right thing. Is always there when the shadows get overpowering and the tears are flowing. Always helping. Always loving. Always.

So let’s glow, girl. Let’s sing the song we’ve been given and shine no matter who’s up and awake to see. God sees and I imagine him grinning over us when we’re fully alive, not hiding, showing up day after day, doing the thing that fulfills us, that helps others, and brings pleasure to him. There’s no better way to live.


Here’s a gentle practice for you. In your mind’s eye, imagine yourself standing in the shadow of God’s wing. Like when the moon slowly moved past the earth’s shadow, imagine that the shadow is His protection over you. From what? From whatever darkness you are feeling unseen in, or waiting in, or agonizing over. What do you feel? Pay attention. God is your help. What is he saying to you? His arms are spread open over and around you. He is there to smile over you and help as you wait for the dark thing to pass. You are safe. You are seen. You are loved. Stay there a while and rest in his protective love for you.


Thanks for reading. Have a wonderful day.



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