It’s No Small Thing to Be Prayed For

Recently I found a handwritten note in our home mailbox. Personal mail is quite unusual these days, so I excitedly brought it inside. The return address showed me that it was from a woman who attends our church. I tore it open to find that she wanted me to know that she had prayed for me that day. She included a few verses in her note and just wanted me to know. I found myself feeling surprised and honored. I am assuming that this gal prays for our people as a ministry of love to our local church. I love our church too and believe that this simple act of prayer for individuals contributes to what happens there regarding unity, generosity, caring, and kindness in the group.

When I thanked her, while placing a little rose-colored felt heart into her hand, I found myself saying to her that when my mother died in 2008, I wondered who would pray for me now that she was gone. It was a statement said in grief, but I felt it to be true at the time. When I visualized my mother daily asking God to bless me and keep me, I felt covered, like when God spoke to Israel:

For I am the LORD your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you.

Isaiah 41:13 NIV

Knowing that my mom talked to God on my behalf, made me feel that God was indeed holding my hand. He was with me. I was not on my own. It is no small thing to be prayed for.

Last fall I rode with my two older brothers to Colorado to visit our older sister who was having a retirement/ birthday party and we wanted to share our love for her by being there. It was a rare occasion that all four of us would be together in one place, especially since 2008. We had a delightful time together. But what struck me, and I remember still, is how my older brother, at some point, mentioned that every night he prayed and thanked God for us, his siblings, and asked God to keep us safe. My sister and other brother said that they also petitioned God for each of us every day. I don’t know why this surprised me, but I felt relief that my siblings had taken up the job of praying for me after our mother’s death.

It is no small thing to be prayed for. Like, today after church, I heard one friend telling another that God had brought her to mind several times in the past week and she had prayed for her. I saw the softened look, the gentle smile, and the humble thanks in her response. I could see that it meant much for her to know that she had been prayed for.

Who prays for you?

If you feel like no one is praying for you, look around. Find someone you know to be a lover of God and ask them to bring you before God in prayer. Maybe you have a specific need or maybe you just want the love and support of knowing that someone prays for you. Either way, don’t hesitate to find someone to encourage you in this way. Contact me if you need someone. I’d love to stand with you in this way.

I honestly didn’t need to worry about the loss of my mother’s prayers, though, because I know someone who has prayed for me from the beginning of time. Not only for me but for you, also.

At times we don’t even know how to pray or know the best things to ask for.

But the Holy Spirit rises up within us to super-intercede on our behalf,

pleading to God with emotional sighs too deep for words.

(Romans 8:26 TPT)

Oh my. This is great.

Later in that chapter, Paul writes,

Who is the one who condemns?

No one.

Christ Jesus who died - more than that, who was raised to life -

is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us!

(Romans 8:34 NIV)

We’re double-teamed because it’s no small thing to be prayed for. Even God does it.

So, let’s be like Jesus by being people who pray. And let’s cherish the ones who pray for us, trusting that God hears the prayers of his people and answers in ways we cannot necessarily see. Our hearts can rest secure knowing that somehow God is bending down and making himself known.

And, wow, to my siblings, Ann, Don, and Dale, thank you for praying for me. I also pray for you. What a great way for us to love and care for each other especially since we live so far away. Our mother was a precious inspiration and by praying for each other we are following her example. Because, like I’ve said a few times already, it’s no small thing to be prayed for.


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