Keep Watch
Keep watch, dear Lord,
with those who work, or watch, or weep this night,
and give your angels charge over those who sleep.
Tend the sick, Lord Christ; give rest to the weary.
Bless the dying, soothe the suffering, pity the afflicted,
shield the joyous, and all for your love’s sake. Amen.
(from the Book of Common Prayer)
Walking into the new Mexican restaurant today, I saw my friend, and smiled a hearty greeting! After hugging hello and deciding what to eat, we got down to catching up on our lives since we last got together a few months ago. We talked and ordered and talked and got our food and talked while we ate, and finally, I asked the question I’d been eager to ask.
“So, have you found your word for 2024?”
She laughed warmheartedly and replied with a grin, “I knew you would ask, and yes! I am ready with my word.”
I pulled out my pen and scribbled her words on the little notebook I kept in my purse.
Most everyone I know has learned that I will ask, at some point, what word they picked to help them keep their focus for the coming year. If they have not chosen one yet, they expect me to encourage them to stay attentive and find the best word. I am quick to assure them that there really is no hurry.
I have been picking a Word of the Year for quite some time, and if you’ve been a reader here for very long, you know about my interest in people’s Word of the Year choices and how they came to their final decision.
After getting my friend’s words into my little notebook, she offered me the same question.
“What word have you chosen?” she asked with interest.
I felt the need to give her the whole story… so I told her that last fall, I read, Prayer in the Night: For Those Who Work or Watch or Weep by Tish Harrison Warren, a book based on the evening prayer from the Book of Common Prayer.
Each chapter of the book is based on one of the phrases from that prayer with threads from the author’s life pulling the reader through and to the end. (notice that the prayer is written above)
It starts with, Keep watch, dear Lord.
When I would read those words, and later, when I would pray those words, it felt special, like I was asking God to keep watch with all those who needed His attention. . . the sick, the weary, the suffering, those who weep, etc.
After reading Prayer in the Night I found that there were times in my day when I would pray out, “Keep watch, dear Lord!” It might have been when I heard an emergency vehicle siren, read a despairing newspaper article, or received a concerning phone call. Because of this prayer, I felt welcomed to remind God of His work.
I think I was also reminding my own heart that I could trust Him. Truly, He is always keeping watch. It is God’s job to keep watch, a job He welcomes, because of His great love for us.
But now I see that it is my work also.
It is my work to keep watch with Him.
After loving the prayer and asking God to keep watch, It felt right and natural for keep watch to be my 2024 Word of the Year.
It is written in Matthew 26 that when Jesus was in the Garden praying, just before he was betrayed and handed over to be crucified, he asked his disciples, My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death. Stay here and keep watch with me.
They fell asleep.
I don’t want to fall asleep. I am eager to keep watch with Jesus. I want to partner with Him, attentive to His leading.
It doesn’t feel like a demand. It feels like an invitation to step closer to God’s heart by tenderly walking with Him.
Keep watch, Deane, with those who suffer or weep…and pray for them.
Keep watch, Deane, with those who are weary, lonely, or sad…and go sit with them.
Keep watch, Deane, with those who rejoice and have good news….and be delighted with them.
Keep watch, Deane, with Christ as He lives and moves through His people…and join Him in His loving work.
Keep watch and Pray.
Walking into church last week, I gently reminded myself to keep watch.
during our worship time: to meet Christ, ponder His goodness, and truly worship Him.
during the sermon: for new insights He wants to show me.
after the service: to greet, ask questions, and encourage those with whom I have worshiped.
at home: to pray for the needs of my church community.
I came home with a lovely list of ways to be supportive.
After picking my word for this year, I am challenging myself to keep watch for the movement of the Spirit in and around me. I’m sure I miss a lot, but that is not the point. I will try. He may invite me to step toward others in new ways, not waiting for or expecting them to step toward me.
What about you?
Have you found your 2024 word? Or has it found you? (You knew I’d ask.)
If so, I encourage you to journal a bit to find clarity.
Why are you drawn to this word? How is the Spirit guiding you?
How do you see yourself acting on this word, drawing from it, being encouraged by it?
How will others see a difference in you because of this word?
What will make God smile as you take this word seriously?
Perhaps you could answer this in your journal:
How has my word, _________________, helped me enter into what God is doing?
In the future, my friend and I could wrap up our monthly coffee and conversation time with a blessing. I could say, Press on, my friend! And she could remind me to Keep watch, my friend! What a fitting farewell for two women who love God and want to be attentive to His voice.
I hope you will find your own creative way to keep your word choice in front of you in the coming year and act upon it creatively, as the Spirit moves you.
I’ll end with a portion of a prayer from Every Moment Holy Vol.1 by Douglas McKelvey:
May our acts of service and creation,
frail and wanting as they are,
be met and multiplied by the mysterious
workings of Your Spirit
who weaves all things together
toward a redemption more good and glorious
than we yet have eyes to see,
or courage to hope for.
May our love and our labors
now echo your love and
your labors, O Lord.
I know you know how much I would love for you to tell me your word choice for this year. I have a list of 38 words that friends have chosen. If you’d like to be added to my list, feel free to write it in the comments below and, if you’re willing, tell us why you chose that word. It is always SO interesting.