I Need a Dog Today
I need a dog today.
A small one will do; one that fits comfortably in my lap.
She could be brown and furry, or black with dark eyes, soft and sleepy.
I close my eyes and see her, feel her warmth, and find her presence reassuring.
Meet Ellie and (shhh) Moby who is already sleeping soundly and warming Hannah’s lap.
If I had a dog today, I could brew a cup of coffee and sit in my favorite recliner by the large window where the sun pours in the late afternoon.
She would notice my need (as dogs are prone to do) and I could feel her eyes watching me, waiting to be invited. At the sign, she would jump into my lap with a happy tail wag and a settling sigh.
I could then pull out my latest book and snuggle in, letting the warmth of my little friend settle my soul.
When I stop for a minute, I wonder why I want a dog today.
Turning inward and praying for clarity, I sort through words, hoping to happen upon one that helps me understand.
I write some of those words in my journal hoping to find one that exposes my need. (I do understand that it is NOT a dog, really.) Am I exhausted? Do I need rest? Maybe a good cry would help. Am I longing for something, maybe? Do I feel disappointed? Am I searching for hope?
Yes, all these seem like possibilities, but by looking deeper still, I find the word closest to my heart.
COMFORT = Warmth. Security. Assurance.
I need comfort today.
Maybe you can relate.
There is so much happening in the world that is agonizingly disconcerting—wars, hurricanes, floods, earthquakes -each filled with substantial amounts of suffering. I hear about personal disagreements and those who feel offended, disrespected, or isolated. Anxiety runs rampant.
Whew! Who else needs comfort after a list like THAT?
In my journal I write the word COMFORT and sit with it for a while, asking God to help me understand.
I sketch out a picture or a design that expresses how I feel. Why do I feel the need to be comforted? (I remind myself that my drawing doesn’t need to be perfect! No one else will see it and I refuse to let my inner critic get in my way!)
I look at my sketch and there I see it.
The girl in my sketch looks cold and alone. Her face is sad and her shoulders are stooped.
I realize that she needs a covering. She needs warmth and assurance that everything is going to be OK.
So I draw a blanket around her shoulders with a radiating sun nearby and, of course, a dog on her lap.
I realize that the sun represents the Light of the World, bringing comfort with His warmth.
A look into scripture confirms what I think is happening.
Matthew 11:28 Jesus says, Come to me all who are heavy laden. I will give rest to your soul.
Of course, God would be the one to bring what I am looking for!
2 Corinthians 1:3 calls him the Father of tender mercy and the God of endless comfort.
Ahh…those words feel so… well… endlessly comforting!
David found the comfort he needed by turning to God. He tells us in Psalm 94:19 - When anxiety was great within me, your comfort brought me joy.
Isaiah 26:3a You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast because they trust in you.
This God of endless comfort is like a warm blanket to my soul, perhaps leading to my desire for a warm presence.
I’m not in “trouble” necessarily, but today I seem to need assurance that all the heartache in the world has a helper, one who assures us that he sees us, feels our anguish, and comes with us into whatever pain we are experiencing and brings with it, an eternity of hope.
So I write on my page, next to my sketch, that the answer to my need for comfort is found only in the God of comfort who said, as his last reminder to his disciples, And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age. (Matthew 28:20b)
I sit here, resting in the sunshine in my favorite chair, feeling the warmth of my discovery.
I remember that I can be with God at any time. His word is always available and he is always near.
I can sit here and tell him my thoughts and feelings and find him faithful to comfort and assure me that in time, all things will be made right.
There will be a day when there are no more tears or suffering.
And in the meantime, his presence is enough. I can trust him.
And the thing is, I really don’t require a dog in my lap to get the assurance I need!
Since I don’t have a dog, there are no late walks around the block in sub-zero temperatures!
There are no little bags to carry around or any poo to pick up.
No barking at the mail carrier or begging for food.
And I can leave the house for as long as I want and not worry about her being alone too long! Oh yes!
But, truthfully, I can’t seem to talk myself out of it. I would still love to have a dog in my lap today.
Maybe that would be one way God could meet me with his tender consolation.
What about you?
Where are you finding the comfort you need to get through these trying times?
(By the way, the dogs shown in these photos belong to our daughter who lives just a few blocks away from us. So, any time I need the warmth of a dog on my lap, these two are ready and eager to oblige.)